The Next-Gen Tech Solution
Online classes(e-Learning) Integration Software/API

Track students progress

With our online teaching apps, teachers and parents can track the child’s progress. They can check how the app is helping to improve the child’s skills and progress in ablity.

Systematic learning

Online teaching apps E-learning apps provide a smart and systematic learning Platform. Students get access to various resources such as educational pdfs, audio lectures, video lessons etc.


As the students can carry their smartphones with them, they can learn from anywhere by installing education apps on their devices. Such apps also come with hundreds of educational resources.

Tutor availability

Tutors who teach online can set hours according to their schedules and easily conversate with multiple students at once. Professors can make reports and leave comments even during the night time.


Few of several Goals of Online Classes Platform

  • With unique experiences that focus on improving learning effectiveness, learners will engage with hands-on labs, interactive sandboxes, practice exams, and more, ensuring that their skills are validated and they’re ready on exam day.
  • Test-drive new skills by completing specific tasks in a secure, provisioned practice environment. Then get validation on your work so you can correct any mistakes in your understanding before they matter.
  • To provide leaders and learners with all of the tools and resources they need in one place, users can access practice exams, official certification program sites, and links to schedule their exam all within the Certification Prep Center.
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